Tell us about your role
My job is to ensure that we are not only meeting our participants security needs, but also to ensure that we are constantly driving program growth and maturity advancement both in terms of improving technology capability and triage processes. An ongoing part of my role has been to create and evolve our Participant Technical Success Team who work with our participants to not only drive progress, but to then measure that progress in a meaningful way.
What inspired you to pursue a career in cybersecurity?
I've always wanted to better integrate people with technology, in fact a running joke I would use in college is that my dream job was to be a cyborg. I've always loved identifying and solving problems from puzzles to computer games. The beauty of cyber for me is that it really is just one big problem that you never can solve, there's always going to be a new item that you need to address.
What aspect of cybersecurity are you most passionate about, and why?
A major aspect of cyber that excites me is really how quickly cyber evolves and grows. From file based malware to now AI powered attacks cyber-attacks continue to grow and change. While this can seem daunting to some, I love it, it means that you are never going to have a boring day.
What trends or developments in cybersecurity excite you the most?
The largest trend that excites me about cyber is the cyclical nature of attacker methodologies and tactics. While the tools and environments are in a state of constant flux, threat actor objectives remain largely the same (to infiltrate, exploit, and extort businesses). Every time a new tool, like AI, enters the scene we see threat actors attempt to use these tools to carry out the same types of attacks. This pushes defenders to evolve and improve existing defenses rather than having to start from nothing each time a new attacker comes onto the scene.
Tell us about your pet!

Biscuit is a 2.5-year-old corgi. He keeps me company when I work remote by laying across my feet and bringing me plenty of toys when he thinks I'm ready for a break.
If you could live in any fictional universe, where would it be and why?
Pokemon! Not everyone can be a wizard or a jedi, but you better believe we can all get a Pikachu.
We appreciate our team's dedicated effort and commitment to enhancing the cyber realm!